Ref.Cougourde-Lacs Bessons Boucle 1j

ALPES - Mercantour-Argentera

A pied

1 jour

6 km

720 m

720 m

Difficulté 3


à traduire (en)

2647 m

Durée de l'étape la plus longue

Nestled at the foot of the Ruine, the Bessons lakes ("twins" in Provence) display their clear waters at 2545m and represent one of the most famous lake sites in the Mercantour

Circuit on 1 day: departure and return to the mountain hut of Cougourde.

Tick and untick to personalise your map. You will only see elements linked 'at the start' on your map (See path X)

Ski-ing conditions :
Orientation :

Stages A pied
  • Duration:06h00
  • Dénivelé positif en été:720 m
  • Dénivelé négatif en été:720 m
  • Distance en été:6.2 km
  • Remarks:
    WARNING: Route without signposts. Requires map and compass, or GPS. Please note that this route will have some passages of rocks and scree.

    From the mountain hut of Cougourde (2100 m), take the signposted pathway, which descends into the valley of the Haut Boréon and ends in the grassy plateau of the Gias de Peïrastrèche (1936 m-beacon.425).
    Follow the GR 52 on the right for a short while and leave it on the right as you see a large cairn, for a pathway that goes up Northwest in the valley of Sangué.
    On reaching a sloping ledge at the confluence of three valleys, spotted by a small lake at the map point 2292m, continue on the pathway to climb North-Northeast in the valley of lakes Bessons. After arriving at the lakes Besson (2545 m), turn right and follow the Southern river banks. At the 3rd lake, locate a stony valley that goes up North-East to reach the mountain pass of the lakes Besson (Collet des Lacs Besson-2647 m).
    From there, by a track with cairns, tilt South-East on the other side to end in the mountain depression of Vallette Escure.
    Continue the descent between the rocky blocks until you reach a small lake at the map point 2431m. Continue to descend Southeast in a rather easier terrain by following the spillway of the lake Agnel to reach the lake of Sagnes (2198 m).
    Cross the marshy area in the South and then the area of big blocks before turning right towards the mountain hut of Cougourde (beacon.426)

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