Ref.Nice-Lac Autier Boucle 1j

ALPES - Mercantour-Argentera

A pied

1 jour

8 km

770 m

770 m

Difficulté 3


à traduire (en)

2600 m

Durée de l'étape la plus longue

Magnificent high-mountain route , from the hardness of the mineral universe to the softness of the green shores of the lake Autier

Circuit over one day: departure and return to the mountain hut of Nice

Tick and untick to personalise your map. You will only see elements linked 'at the start' on your map (See path X)

Ski-ing conditions :
Orientation :

Stages A pied
  • Duration:06h30
  • Dénivelé positif en été:770 m
  • Dénivelé négatif en été:770 m
  • Distance en été:8.5 km
  • Difficulty:à traduire (en)
  • Remarks:
    WARNING: Route without signposts. Requires map and compass, or GPS. Please note that this route includes progression on scree, and has some steep passages.

    From the mountain hut of Nice (2232 m-beacon 417), follow the red and white markings of the GR 52 which goes up a few meters to emerge on a grassy flat land before crossing the stream coming from the valley of La Fous (2250 m-beacon 418).
    After turning South for about a hundred meters, the pathway will head East to climb and pass to the North of lakes Niré.
    Shortly after the last lake, the slope will be accentuated to climb a zone of blocks and scree. Before the zigzags leading to the mountain pass of Basto, leave the GR 52 and turn Southwest by keeping a mountain pass as your target, located to the left of the summit of ‘Tête du Lac Autier'.
    From the mountain pass (2600 m), tilt on the other slope by a pathway with cairns that descends into a valley, with some scree. After a flat land, the slope will be accentuated by going towards the lake Autier that you can see below.
    Bypass its West side to find a pathway, not far from its river bank. Take the pathway Southwest and follow it in the valley of the Autier until the beacon 414 (1830 m).
    Go Northwest towards the mountain hut of Nice (Refuge de Nice). Overcome the rocky lock called "Mur des Italiens" before crossing the stream. Continue Northwest the pathway that will then go along the right bank of the stream until the dam of the Fous via the beacon 416. Continue to the mountain hut of Nice which is visible in the North-East just above the lake.

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