Technical difficulty levels

All information on this site is for informational purposes only. All information on this site is for informational purposes only. We will not be held liable under any circumstances. It is each person's duty to learn about the weather conditions, snow conditions, the state of the trails ... and to have the necessary equipment to go on the mountains.

Difficulty of circuits:
Very easy: Walks of less than 6 km and less than 2 hours are not very difficult, and are rather suitable for families with children.
Easy: Hike between 2h and 3h with a maximum vertical drop of about 400 meters. Itineraries suitable for occasional hikers to active families and parents hikers with children in portage.
Medium: Daily itineraries, from 3h to 5h, for hikers accustomed to walks in steep terrains with vertical differences of more than 400m.
Difficult: Hikes of more than 5 hours, intended for the experienced and sporting walkers over long distances and presenting strong differences in uneven alpine terrain.